Saturday, 30 June 2012

Friends of Garston Park photostream

We now have a Flickr photostream where we are collecting all our photographs of our various FOGP activities. You can see the photographs we have already uploaded at this link.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

No meeting this Friday

We normally have a meeting on the third Friday of the month but June's has been cancelled as there is so much work to do on the art project (hanging the boards) and the Fun Day (getting ready for it)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Have you noticed the art on display?

Our Garston Park Art project is nearing its completion with boards of artwork being gradually put up around the sports pitches near the leisure centre. Groups have been working on boards to represent their thoughts about health and wellbeing as well as their own local activities. There is also a Garston skyline (past and present) and some words. If you live near the park you may have seen some boards up already. Volunteers will be hard at it this week to put more of the boards in place. Big thanks to everyone who has been involved.

Garston Fun Day

It's Garston Fun Day this Saturday (16th). Come along to Garston Park between 11 and 2! There are loads of stalls this year, and Friends of Garston Park will be there with our stall too. We will have bird boxes on offer as well as plants. We are also raising funds through a tombola. If you want to find out more about what we do, this is a good chance to come and have a chat with some of the committee.

Monday, 13 February 2012

The art project continues!

Last year the Friends of Garston Park and the Garston Grassendale Detatched Youth project kicked off the Great Garston Art Project.

It's a scheme to improve the appearance of the walls around the sports pitches on Garston Park with a community based mural.

The idea is to reflect the Garston sky line as well as aspects of health and wellbeing.

At the launch meeting we talked about workshops to get the art started. We now have dates for the first three (each of which will have a community artist there)

The dates and times are

Mon 20th February at White Oak Lodge on Beechwood Road
Wednesday 22nd February at Garston Park Church (right by the park)
Thursday 23rd February at Garston Urban Village Hall on Banks Road

All at 6pm.

Do come along if you want to get involved, or just find out more.

It's our AGM

Our AGM is this Friday - the 17th Feb. We are meeting at Long Lane Church in Garston at 6 30. If you are interested, do please come along.