Friday, 18 December 2009

Meeting update

There is a Friends meeting tonight (18th December) at 6 30 at Long Lane Church. All welcome!

Picture from the planting

Here is a picture from the bulb planting at Garston Park. This one shows Alan Helsby, Chair of the Friends Group, plus children from Garston C of E School. There were two planting days - the children's one on a Friday and a Saturday one for the rest of us!!
This picture is kindly provided by Mike Axworthy from the Garston News. The picture was printed with a story on the planting in a recent edition of the magazine,

Monday, 9 November 2009

Friends of Garston Park - next meeting

Our next meeting is on 20th November at 6 30 pm at Long Lane Church. Do come along if you are interested. If you can't attend, but want to go on our mailing list, please also let us know. You can post your details in the comments section or e mail

Saturday, 24 October 2009


Thanks to everyone who helped with the bulb planting on Garston Park today. And thanks also to the children and staff from Garston C of E School who helped yesterday (Friday).

Between us all we planted £100 worth of crocus bulbs provided by the City Council.

It was our first Friends of Garston Park event and we hope that there'll be a lot more to come. These include a Chrismas do, fundraising and bigger activities in 2010.

Our next meeting, to which anyone interested is very welcome, is on 20th November at 6 30pm at Long Lane Church.

If you can't attend the meeting, but want to go on our mailing list, please get in touch. You can either post your details in the comments section here or e mail

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Help with planting at Garston Park - 24 Oct

The Friends of Garston park invite you to join us for a "planting session" at the Park on Saturday 24th October. Were meeting at 11 am in the foyer of Garston Leisure Centre. We'll be planting crocus bulbs in part of the park and anyone interested in helping, or just finding out more about what we do, is welcome to come along. Some refreshments will be available. We'd be grateful if people could bring along a trowel or a fork from home if they have one as our supplies are limited.

If you want to find out more please either post a message here or e mail Paula Keaveney at

The bulbs have been donated by Liverpool City Council

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Next meeting

Our next meeting of the Friends of Garston Park is this Friday (16th October) at 6 30 pm at Long Lane Church (which is at the Woolton Road end of Long Lane). Do come along if you are interested. If you haven't been before and want information, do post your question here or e mail Paula Keaveney at

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Last nights meeting

We had a good meeting last night of the Friends of Garston Park. We elected a chair for the group - Alan Helsby. We also talked about plans for a planting event hopefully in October and some things we might be able to raise money for. We'll post details of the next meetings on this website shortly. Meanwhile if you are interested but haven't been able to get along to any meetings, please either post a message (with your contact details) on this site or e mail and we will add you to the list we use to contact people about meetings etc.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Next meeting

The next meeting of our group will be on the 18th September at 6 30pm at Long Lane Church (which for those who don't know it is at the Woolton Road end of Long Lane). More details will be posted nearer the time. Meanwhile, if you are interested and want to be kept in touch but haven't been in touch before, please drop me an e mail at

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Next meeting

Our next meeting is this coming Friday - 31st July - at 6 pm at Long Lane Church. This Church is at the Woolton Road end of Long Lane and is next to number 14. If you are interested in getting involved do come along. If you can't attend but want to be kept informed, please let us know. You can either leave your details here by posting a comment or you can e mail Paula at

If you haven't been in touch before but do plan to come to the meeting it would help if you let us know so we can make sure we know how many people to expect.

Stall success

Thanks to everyone who helped with our Friends of Garston Park stall on Friday last. We collected some more names of people potentially interested in getting involved.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Come and meet us

The Friends of Garston Park will be at the "Putting Cressington First" event this Friday (24th) from 6pm to 7 30 at Garston Leisure Centre, Long Lane, Garston. (If the weather is good we are outside, if not we are inside in the auxiliary hall)

Do come and meet us and let us know if you want to get involved.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Our next meeting

Our next meeting, for people interested in getting involved in the Friends Group will be Friday 31st July at 6pm at Long Lane Church (by kind permission of the Pastor).

This will be a chance to start planning some activities for the early Autumn and will follow on from our presence at an event outside the Leisure Centre the previous week.

We need to get a rough idea of who is likely to come to the meeting. So if you have not been in touch so far but know you want to attend the meeting, can you please let us know. You can either post a comment on this blog or e mail

If you can't attend the meeting, but would like to be on a mailing list, please also let us know.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Friends Exhibition

We are hoping to take part in an event on 24th July near (or in if the weather forces us) the Garston Leisure Centre. It's an "engagement event" with stalls for sections of the City Council as well as other agencies. We are hoping to have a Friends of Garston Park stall so that people can come along, find out more, and hopefully join us. When all the details are finalised we will post them here. Meanwhile if you have any questions about the Friends of Garston Park please either post them here or e mail Paula Keaveney (one of the Cressington ward councillors) at

Monday, 22 June 2009

Meeting - Tuesday 23rd June

Our next meeting for people interested in playing a part in getting the Friends Group going is this Tuesday (23rd June). It's at 7pm at the Garston Leisure Centre. If you want to come along but this is the first information you have had please let us know so we can make sure we are not in the wrong size room. You can e mail Paula at or call her on 07815 769413.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Welcome to Our Site

Welcome to the Friends of Garston Park Website. This is set up by local residents and representatives to help support our Park. We are currently looking for people who want to become involved. If you want us to add your e mail to our mailing list, please either post a comment or e mail

We'll be posting details of meetings and events shortly.